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1 on 1 Coaching with Coach Ryan Horton

Get a custom program, weekly guidance and advice and form checks.

Matt Hennessy of the Atlanta Falcons (left) and Ryan Horton (right)

Why Train With Me?

You have an endless amount of options of places and people to train with, both in-person and online.

So, why train with me?

First, I've been very fortunate in my career to work with some of the best sports performance coaches in the country. I've won conference championships and had the opportunity to work with amazing athletes.

I've dedicated most of my life to learning how to help individuals maximize their athletic potential.

Most importantly though, because I will care. I will care how your training goes each week, how your progress is going and whether you're able to reach your goals.

This committee to every person I work with is why I only take on 10 clients at any one time.

Get Started Today!

Please fill out the form below to sign up for 1 on 1 coaching. Spots are filled on a "first come first serve" basis so don't miss your opportunity to lock in your place today!

What is 1 on 1 Virtual Coaching?

1 on 1 Virtual Coaching allows me to join you in your training journey, every step along the way. Here's what you can expect:

Our relationship starts with a 30-minute Introduction Zoom Call. In this call, we'll go over what your goals are, what your lifting experience is and what equipment you have access to.

This information will allow me to create a customized program, just for you.

Once we get started, we'll get together for a 15-minute weekly zoom call. On these calls, we'll talk about how the workouts went that week, the progress you've made and any adjustments that need to be made. I'll also talk you through what to expect for the upcoming week of training.

Finally, we can go over any technique videos you may have taken during the week (optional).

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does Virtual Coaching Cost?

$197 per month

If I'm not happy with my purchase can I get a refund?

Yes. If you don't feel it's a good fit after our Introductory Zoom Call, you can cancel for a full refund - no questions asked.

Is This Just For Athletes?

Absolutely not! It's true that I have spent the majority of my time coaching athletes, but I've helped plenty of adults get healthy (and ready for the beach too)!

Will I Be Locked In To a Long Term Commitment?

No. 1 on 1 Virtual Coaching is a month-by-month program. You can cancel at any time.

Can Former Clients Start Back Training Even if No Current Spots Are Available?

Sorry, but no. The planning and preparation needed for each client is very time-consuming (but absolutely worth it!). This is why I limit the number of clients I work with at any one time.